A high level of quality in our services and products is the most important basis for the long-term and economically stable growth of our company. The company management endeavors to achieve consistently good results while always taking into account the interests of all interested parties.
It is important to the company management to remain a family-run company with short information paths. This is because flexibility and speed characterize planistar and are highly appreciated by our customers.
Right from the start, we are in close contact with our customers in order to identify and solve their problems as precisely as possible.
It is also important to us to keep product development in-house at planistar. This ensures that a broad knowledge of our products and their applications is available.
Sustainability has always been an issue for us that runs like a green thread through the entire company structure.
At planistar, the focus is not on sales, but on advice. We work with our customers to develop an optimum solution and support them until the application is working successfully at the end customer. For this reason, our consultants not only come from a commercial background, but also from practical experience.
With our knowledge and experience of lighting, cameras, software, electronics and our manufacturing capabilities, we are always at our customers' side.
For us, the order is not completed with the delivery of the product, but only with the successful commissioning at the end customer's premises.
We receive a great variety of information from our customers through the many conversations, e-mails and test samples. We handle this information very carefully, regardless of whether it is classified or not. For this reason, you will not find the names of customers or their projects on our website, in the catalog or other brochures.
From the very beginning, it was important to us to achieve a high level of vertical integration within planistar Lichttechnik GmbH so that we can react flexibly and quickly to our customers' needs.
The high quality standard can also only be achieved by keeping as many production steps as possible in-house. This means that interim checks can be carried out at any time. Issues and questions are answered promptly and solutions are found quickly.
The single components and possibilities in our production are like a large construction kit with many different and proven building modules, with which we can always realize something new in a short time with little development effort.
This is also reflected in our prices for customized lights.
Our LED controls are manufactured according to our specifications by companies in our local area, making us independent of the market.
In the past, we have already worked in many sectors in the field of lighting technology:
This experience from a wide range of sectors still helps us today to provide individual advice and creative solutions.
Over time, we have focused on the industrial sector and are appreciated by our customers as a reliable partner.
At the Hanover Fair in 2002, we started to introduce ourselves as a supplier of lights for industrial image processing. We quickly succeeded in convincing our new customers of the high product quality. Thus began the success story of planistar Lichttechnik GmbH in the industrial sector.
Today we operate mainly in 3 areas of industry:
We supply countless branches and are always surprised at the range of applications for which our luminaires can be used.
This is what makes our work so exciting and interesting.
It all began in 1977 with the founding of Karl KG as a development company that was already concentrating on light. This included advertising products, but also rain sensors, fuel consumption indicators and electronic exhaust gas testers. Numerous patents were registered.
From 1980 onwards, we focused more and more on lighting technology. Lights were manufactured for use in darkrooms. After the patent for edge lighting was granted, the first light consoles were manufactured. These were still equipped with halogen lamps, as LED technology was still a long way off.
planistar Lichttechnik GmbH was founded in 1990, specializing in the manufacture of flat lighting technology. We served various markets with very different luminaires until we found and solidified our current sectors.
Since 2002, planistar has been active in the field of high-quality industrial lighting for machine vision. The industrial sector was later expanded to include machine lighting, signal lights and lighting for visual inspection.
The company headquarters in Himmelstadt has been repeatedly expanded and modernized over the years. The machinery and production capabilities have also been constantly expanded.
In 2013, we introduced the ISO 9001 quality management system and have been successfully certified every year. At first, we saw the introduction as a major hurdle and change. However, we realized that many things were already in place at the company and just needed to be brought into shape.
ISO 9001 is a standard for quality management systems and specifies the requirements for such systems. An organization must meet these guidelines in order to comply with relevant legal and regulatory requirements for a product or service. At the same time, the management system should be subject to a continuous improvement process. The criteria contained in the standard are applicable to all organizations, regardless of type, size and product. If these requirements of the standard are met, the organization can have this confirmed with a certificate.
planistar's quality management system is audited and certified at regular intervals by SKZ-Cert GmbH Zertifizierungen from Würzburg.
Social commitment is a matter close to our hearts. We have been supporting children and youth development and voluntary organizations in Himmelstadt for years. This way, we know that 100% of the donations in kind and money are received and we can see what is achieved with our support.
This includes:
A school in Tanzania (Litumbandyosi), which we have been supporting for many years, is of particular concern to us. In the early years, we knew a local nun personally, as she came from Himmelstadt. Even now, our donations still go directly to the order, which passes them on 1:1.
Right from the product development phase, we at planistar take care to use materials for our products that can be separated and recycled at the end of their service life.
Furthermore, we are constantly working to reduce the level of material used for our lights while maintaining the same properties and, above all, the same quality. This helps to conserve resources.
Issues such as energy requirements, packaging, the health and well-being of our employees as well as nature and the environment are always considered and taken very seriously.
The entire planistar Lichttechnik GmbH
Our team will be at your disposal for any questions you may have. We will process your request as soon as possible.
+49 (0) 9364 8060-0 | sales@no-spam.planistar.de | Catalog incl. prices | |||||||